Innovation intelligence
In Iplus|F we do an internal and external analysis of your company, detecting business opportunities, trends and technological innovations that can be implemented. Then we help you to commercialize your idea by putting our vast experience at your disposal, obtaining financing and monetizing projects.
Analysis of the Industry
Both internal and external to detect opportunities and threats.
Innovation strategy
It helps to plan what to do in the coming years and decades. A plan that suits your project.
Market uptake and project funding
Iplus|F supports you with commercialisation of your idea by connecting you with key players

Iplus|F collaborates with a wide range of international clients in several countries (top multinational enterprises, public entities, tech-disruptive SMEs, research centres, universities, and spin-offs). Our in-depth knowledge of the state-of-the-art in different sectors puts us in an ideal position to support your idea / entity/ consortium in tasks related to:
1. Innovation scout and radar:
Our “technologies, solutions and stakeholders” radar expertise is key in order to efficiently detect opportunities (private and public funded) for your idea, based on quantitative data. Iplus|F supports you in predicting market growth, finding potential users, market (share) analysis, evaluating idea strengths and pitfalls, technology analysis, patents, and IPR.
2. Innovation strategy:
Iplus|F helps plan which actions to undertake in the coming years and decades, depending on the technology readiness level of your idea, societal trends, competitors, and policies. Iplus|F offers a structured approach to the shaping and realization of your idea, including how to increase its TRL and its validation.
3. Market uptake and project funding:
Iplus|F supports you with the market uptake and commercialization of your idea by connecting you with key multinational players in different sectors. We organize events, contact stakeholders, form decision-making bodies, and help spot win-win opportunities.
4. Experience:
Iplus|F has experience with private projects as well as publicly funded programmers. We have formed H2020 big consortia, supported SME phase 2 projects, managed Fast Track to Innovation projects, and worked on various national projects.
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